new pictures

My new headshots are online! Thanks so much for Marius Bjerre Hansen for the nice collaboration. All of the pictures can also be found under pictures.

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About me

I am Karla. Karla Nina Diedrich. I was born and raised in Berlin Germany. I went to highschool in Sweden and now live in Denmark and Germany. When I was a child I saw Steven Spielbergs E.T. as one of my first movies. The love, … Continue readingAbout me

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Train hard, fight easy!

Mein intensiver Jahreskurs neigt sich dem Ende. Ich werde zum Abschluss bei der 12 Actors 12 Scenes 60 Minutes Vorstellung von Mike Bearnadin und AndrĂ© Bolouri am Dienstag 26.07.2011 um 16.00 u. 19.00 Uhr Mittwoch 27.07.2011 um 16.00 u. 19.00 Uhr einen Ausschnitt aus meiner … Continue readingTrain hard, fight easy!

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